Publishing Website with Web Builder Plus Print

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To publish a website means to copy the web page files to a special directory on a web server.

To publish a website, click the Publish tab. You will see a link to the temporary storage of your website files. Your website is now saved as a trial website in a temporary storage directory on the Web Builder Plus server. Follow the instructions on this tab on how to publish your website. Generally, the procedure is as follows:

1. On the Publish tab, you will see an automatically generated website identifier. Using this link to the trial website, which might look like http://site_identifier.Web Builder, you can later return to your website, edit it and publish (about editing your website, see the After Publishing chapter, later in this guide). The password for editing your website is the one you have set up on the Extra tab (the Password button in the navigation pane). Change the website identifier to some name you can easily remember and click Change My Site Identity. To send your website identifier and password at the e-mail address, click Send Site Information to Your E-mail.

2. Purchase hosting services using the link provided on the Publish page. After you purchase hosting services from your hosting provider, you will receive a domain name. Tell the Web Builder Plus Administrator the domain name where your website will be hosted. The Web Builder Plus Administrator will enter this domain name in the publishing properties for your website in the Web Builder Plus Administrator Panel.

3. Enter the link to your trial website in the address bar of a browser. Enter your password in the Password field. Your website will open. Click Edit at the top of the page. The Web Builder Plus Wizard will open. You can either edit the content of your website or go directly to the Publish step. Click Publish website. The content of your website will be transferred to the server where your website is hosted. After publication, your website will be available on the Internet.

Attention! Be careful when publishing your website because your old files will be overwritten with the new files during the publishing process.

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